Road Safety Club


The school has a Road Safety After-School Club which has been running for 16 years. Various things are taught including cycle safety, road signs and keeping safe. The school has regular visits from the Road Safety Unit. We also have Junior Road Safety Officers (JRSO’s) to help take assemblies and arrange competitions.

The school also does very well in the Road Safety Quiz every year. We have had some success with winning and have represented Neath Port Talbot in the quiz finals, where we came joint second.

The JRSO’s have planned lots of activities for the After School Club in order to enhance their knowledge of Road Safety.

The After-School Safety Club also goes outside the school during the year to warn parents about the dangers of parking on the zig-zag lines. We sometimes join forces with the ECO Club to try and reduce the amount of traffic outside the school by handing out leaflets and posters. The police have come to help us with our efforts and we have used speed camera guns outside school and on the dual carriage way.

The club meets from 3.30pm-4.15pm every Wednesday. The organiser of the Road Safety Club is Mr. C. Jones.
